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What is Global Link?

What is Global Link?

What is Global Link?

Global Link = How your project can impact others besides those directly involved in your project and how you have shared your project in order to inspire others to take similar actions in their community.

How does this happen?

  • Share how your root cause occurs globally.
  • Share your solution out globally in order to educate others how to take action.

What are some examples?

  • Think about your root cause and share how the issue occurs in other communities
    • Find examples where the same issue has occurred in other places.
    • Connect with others in those other communities to find out what they are doing to improve.
    • While talking with other communities, find out how you can share your project with them and how they may have already shared their ideas.
  • Find organizations that can help spread your message
    • Find a national organization that can share your project, either through social media, a website, or a newsletter
      • Think about the root cause of your project
        • If related to agriculture, connect with your school’s FFA chapter and then the state and national FFA through that connection.
        • If fire safety related, work with your local fire department for sharing with the larger groups.
        • Most local groups have state and / or national organizations, many of which would love to showcase stories which we help you share your story.
    • Use your local, regional, or state news outlets – newspapers, radio, TV – to share your message
      • Many TV stations do a story on a local activity every day – there is often a wait list so make sure to contact them early.
      • Think about NPR or other local radio – they often showcase local stories and have community calendars where you can publicize any events you have.
    • Partner with a complementary organization to share your story
      • building a playground, connect with the playground manufacturer or lumber yard
      • working with literacy, connect with the libraries in the area
  • Share your message into the world
    • Use social media to spread the word
      • Facebook pages
      • Instagram
      • Create a hashtag
      • Create a YouTube channel and videos
    • Create a website or partner with an organization for them to add a page to their website
    • Share links to others who support your vision or have similar goals

When thinking about groups you can partner with think big!  You can build sustainability into your project along with your global link.

Looking for additional tools to identify your global link?  Download the resource!

Next week: Team Building

Download the Resource Packet for this month’s blog.