How to Match Your Passion to Your Cause
What are some options for creating a solution for your root cause?
- Is there an activity that could support it?
- Is education needed for improvement?
- Is there a process that needs to be changed?
- Look at your starburst document to see what other issues should be considered.
Haven’t done your Starburst yet? Download the resource below by signing up for our newsletter!
What skill or interests do you have that could support your root cause improvement?
- Do
you enjoy an activity that could relate to an activity for your root cause?
- Noelle loves crocheting and created a non profit to create yarn toys for kids with cancer.
- Do
you have a technical skill you could use to educate others or get others
- Brekke built a website and produced a YouTube video educating people about vaccines.
- Are
you involved in a group that could support your project?
- Emma volunteered with Culver City ReDiscovery Center and used materials donated for reuse to create a portable race track for area school use.
- Do
you have a family member or close friend that has inspired you?
- Audrey’s brother’s needs inspired her to create a fitness club for special needs children.
- Do
you want to encourage others to try something new?
- Elizabeth loves skeet shooting and built a range allowing her school to expand the team.
Haven’t identified your skills yet? Download the resource below!
Don’t have a project that excites you? Send me your completed resource packet and I’ll send you some ideas. or connect with me on Instagram or Facebook
Find a Mentor to Guide You and Build a Team
- Think about where you most need to expand your knowledge
- Is there a part of your project that you aren’t sure how to manage?
- Are there groups you need to have involved that you need a connection?
- Is there technical expertise you don’t have?
- Are there people you enjoy working with?
- Think about the Starburst activity again and make sure you are including people on your team that support each question or the fact you listed.
- When identifying your Project Mentor, make sure you are choosing someone that has specific knowledge about your root cause.
- Your Project Mentor should be guiding you: people to connect with, assisting you with learning the language that relates to your project, what has been tried previously, and other information regarding the root cause.
- Your team assists with creating timelines, talents for specific tasks, and general day to day work.
- Remember, you are the Project Manager.
- You don’t need to do every piece of the project yourself.
- You need enough knowledge to be able to describe what you need from others.
- You need to be able to give clear directions and reasonable deadlines.
- Trust your team, but remember you are the hub. You are responsible to keep the project moving.
Next week: Sustainability
Download the Resource Packet for this month’s blog by signing up for the newsletter.